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Specific Day, Specific $$$

Works with: Crowdfunding Campaigns This one is incredibly simple — but also works incredibly well! All that you have to do is choose a specific day and a specific dollar amount. When that day rolls around, you ask people to give that dollar amount. The key to success with this one is getting the word out far in advance and building hype. So, for instance, if you want people to give $20 on April 20 ($20 on 20), you should start advertising at least two weeks beforehand. Go to Canva and make some cute graphics for social media; pass out postcards or flyers to all of your friends so that they know what they have to do. Then make sure to text everyone multiple times throughout the day, reminding them to give their $20 on 20! (Keep them updated with how much money you’ve raised so far, so that you can make them feel like part of a winning team!)

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