Sample Crowdfunding Page (from FS2)

My name is Kara Thompson, and I’m a junior in high school. I’ve been acting since I was a toddler in summer camp productions, but over the past few years, I’ve decided that it’s what I want to do for the rest of my life. Since then, I’ve participated in productions with the Aurora Community Players and the Lancaster Youth Theatre, learning more about my craft and becoming a better actress! This summer, I have the opportunity to make my off-Broadway debut with the National Theatre for Student Artists (NTSA), the United States’ national youth theatre. I’m the only representative from Ohio who’s been selected for the program. If I’m able to go, I’ll be able to make my lifelong dream of performing in New York City a reality in NTSA’s production of Loserville at the York Theatre.

Next year, I’m going to be auditioning for BFA programs, and I really have my heart set on Carnegie Mellon University. During my NTSA program, I’ll have a chance to work on my college audition monologues and get them performance-perfect for fall. (Did I mention that my director this summer will be a CMU graduate? He’ll be able to tell me all about the program and maybe even give me some insider tips!) I am trying to raise the money necessary to attend NTSA this summer. For three weeks, I’ll be rehearsing from sun-up until sun-down and learning from NYC-based theatre professionals. I need $4,085 to get there, which will pay for my tuition, accommodations, meals, and transportation. All of the money raised will go directly towards my course fee. If I’m able to raise any extra, I’ll also be able to go to the world-famous Shaw Festival on one of NTSA’s midweek excursions and train with the performers there!

If you can’t give financially, that’s okay. I’d be really thankful if you would share this campaign with your friends and say a little prayer for me that I can earn this tuition, give a fantastic performance this summer, and learn everything that I possibly can to become the best actress I can be! Thank you so much for your support and being a member of #TeamKara!


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