Sample Crowdfunding Social Media Posts

When we create social media posts for crowdfunding campaigns, we like to focus in on whatever is going to excite our friends, family, and supporters the most about our upcoming adventure! In your case, it's probably that you're going to be performing on an off-Broadway stage this summer. We're not going to lie: we're just as hyped about finally getting onto the York Theatre stage as you are! We created some sample crowdfunding social media posts on our favorite website, Canva. Canva lets you whip up really attractive marketing materials that help you get your message across to your audience. (You'll see Canva posts all the time on NTSA's Instagram and Facebook accounts!) Notice how almost all of these posts feature attractive images of NYC. You want to show your supporters first-hand what you're going to be experiencing this summer! Let's take a look at our sample posts one-by-one:

1. The Launch Post

You want to have a launch post that goes up on Day 1 of your crowdfunding campaign. This post tells your supporters what you're doing this summer (performing in NYC) and how they can help (donate to your crowdfunding campaign). Instagram lets you link to a website in your profile; make sure to change your link to your crowdfunding campaign. Then, you can always write in your post captions "click the link in my profile to learn more!"

2. The First Donation Post

One of the most important things that you can do during your crowdfunding campaign is celebrate your successes. You want your supporters to know when you get your first donation, when a major donor contributes, and when you reach important milestones (like your first $500). When supporters see that you're successful, it makes them want to donate even more. That's one of the reasons why we encourage all of our students to pre-raise before launching their crowdfunding campaign. When something happens that makes you want to jump and down, share it with the entire world! Success almost always leads to even more success!

3. The Matching Donor Post

In our webinar, we talked a bit about matching donors. They're usually family members or close friends who are willing to match all of your donations over a certain period of time. So, for instance, if you raised $250 during one weekend, your matching donor would also donate $250, which means that you'd bring in $500 total. (If you have someone who's interested in being a matching donor but is worried about you possibly fundraising $2,500 in a single weekend, you can also cap the matching donation. So they would match all of the donations raised only up to a certain point, like $250.) We highly recommend finding a matching donor because they can really ramp up excitement, especially at the midway point of your crowdfunding campaign when folks might be starting to lose interest. Who doesn't want to make their donation count twice? (Just check out our blog post on Double the Donation to see how much we love it!)

4. The Final Stretch Post

You're in the final stretch! You only have $500 more to go! GREAT! Once again, make sure to share that success on social media so that your supporters can celebrate with you. Posts like this one ($500 to Go) also give a sense of urgency and will inspire more backers to donate in your final days. Supporters love to donate to a winning campaign, and when they're able to see that finish line right in front of you, it makes them even more likely to take out their wallets and join your team!

5. The Last Chance Post

You're in the final 24 hours of your crowdfunding campaign. Now's the time to call up anyone who hasn't already donated; send emails to anyone who's already donated, letting them know how close you are to your goal; and post on social media reminding everyone that it's their LAST CHANCE to give! If fundraising is a marathon, then you're in the home-stretch, and you want to make sure that everyone has a chance to cross the finish line along with you!

6. All Packed Up and Other Personal Posts

The posts above are the ones that you should consider essential for your crowdfunding campaign — but they're not the only way to get your supporters excited about your upcoming performance! We also recommend posting something on social media every single day that reminds them of what you're working towards. These shouldn't be "hard asks" (where you're like "DONATE TO MY CROWDFUNDING CAMPAIGN NOW PLEASE!"); instead, these should be "soft asks." Post a photo of your luggage packed (like the All Packed Up post) and remind them that you're getting ready to leave for NYC in a few months. Post three pics of you in your favorite rehearsal outfits and ask them to vote on which one you should wear on your first day at NTSA. Post a video of you singing your favorite song from your upcoming production. (It's "Annabel Has a Doll" from The Dolls of New Albion. We know.) The more you post about your NTSA program, the more that your supporters see how excited you are for the experience, the more invested they'll become — and the more likely they'll be to donate!

Feel free to use any of these posts, or head on over to Canva and create some personalized ones of your own!


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