Spaghetti Dinners

An easy way to raise money is through spaghetti dinners. With fewer than ten volunteers, you can easily serve a full spaghetti dinner to over 100 donors. You can save a lot of money by planning your spaghetti dinner at least three months before the actual event, so if you’re planning on pulling this one off towards the end of the school year, now would be a good time to get cracking!

1. Ask for donations from local grocery stores and restaurants.
Grab your friends and go around to local grocery stores and restaurants. Tell them that you have the opportunity to perform off-Broadway this summer, and your drama department is hosting a fundraiser to help you go! (Make sure to check with your drama department beforehand and make sure that it’s okay if you use their name.) Many organizations require at least two months to process your requests, which is why you want to start planning now! Try to get donations of spaghetti, sauce, meatballs, breadsticks, salad (including dressing, croutons, and cheese), desserts, and soda. Make sure to ask local Italian restaurants like the Olive Garden and Buca di Beppo.

2. And ask for donations from other local businesses (hotels, boutiques, salons, entertainment complexes, etc.) too!
A spaghetti dinner is a great time for a raffle or silent auction, so while you’re out in the neighborhood, you might want to think about gathering up gift certificates and merchandise from local businesses as well. While you’ll make some money from your spaghetti dinner, you can easily quadruple the amount you’re bringing in by having a raffle/silent auction! Some business owners might be willing to give you a donation on the spot, some will make you apply online through their corporate website (instead of through the individual store), some are going to need a donation letter and 501(c)(3) paperwork (ask NTSA!), and some are going to simply tell you no. It’s okay! The first time that you ask will be a bit awkward. (In fact, we’d recommend role-playing with a friend beforehand!) But you’ll get used to it quickly and start getting tons of donations in no time! Asking is always the hardest part.

3. Find a suitable location.
Your first stop should be your high school principal’s office! Ask if you can use the high school cafeteria for your spaghetti dinner fundraiser. If that’s not possible, we recommend churches and community centers with commercial kitchens. You definitely want to comparison shop; call around and try to find the most affordable rental rate. (If you’re a member of the church or community center, you might even be able to get the space for free!) You may also be able to get a discount if you tell them that you’re hosting a fundraising event for your drama department. Most organizations give major discounts (up to 50%) to non-profit events and organizations. If you can get the event space to throw in their silverware and dishes, even better!

Charge between $7-10 for admission and sell tickets ahead of time, so you know how many portions of pasta you’ll need.


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